
Art education is an essential part of our museum work. Discover our varied thematic offers for pupils, families, groups and people of all ages. Please note that the majority of our programme is held in German.

2er Teaser

offer for women with refugee and migration experience

Women's Friday at the museum

Stillleben mit üppigem Blumenstrauß neben Totenkopf und Muschel
© Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Elke Estel/Hans-Peter Klut
In co-operation with the Catholic Academy

Gallery talks with theologians (in German)

Besucher betrachten die Ausstellung
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Carina Sonntag

Guided tours

Our guided tours offer deeper insights into our collections from different perspectives, point out interesting connections and help to discover well-known works of art in a new light.

About the offers

ein Mann und eine Frau schauen sich eine Skulptur in einem Museumsraum an
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Carina Sonntag
Offers for groups

Group tours

Choose the right guided tour for you from our numerous offers. Whether as a company event, family trip, club trip or small private tour for two, we can organise your guided tour of our museums.

Group tours at the Zwinger

Besucher, die sich Büsten und Skulpturen anschauen
© SKD, Foto: Martin Förster

Children's birthday in the museum

The birthday child invites his friends to the museum! On their discovery tour, they encounter the treasures of kings or learn stories hidden behind the paintings or drawings. Also, own works of art are created.

About the offers

Kinder malen an einem Tisch
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Tom Dachs
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